We have an excellent group of support staff who provide the infrastructure necessary for our research. Their responsibilities include: maintenance of the IT systems (in liason with the IT staff at the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal) and the databases; maintenance and updating of our bibliographic reference database; administrative support; assistance with all the technical and fieldwork aspects of data collection. Additional research assistants are hired as required by the specific projects, including specialists in industrial hygiene and exposure assessment.
Natasha Graham – Administrative Technician
Phone: 514-890-8000 #15910 Email: natasha.graham.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
Nancy Faraj – Research Assistant
Phone: 514-890-8000 #15907 Email: faraj.nancy@gmail.com
Dora Rodriguez – Research Assistant- Work hygienist
Phone: 514-890-8000 #15905 Email: dora.rodriguez@umontreal.ca
Mendher Merzoug – Database manager, IT support
Phone: 514-890-8000 #15914 Email: mendher.merzoug@crchum.qc.ca
Lesley Richardson – Epidemiology Research Assistant
Phone: 514-890-8000 # 15903 Email: lesley.richardson@sympatico.ca
Julie Lacaille – Clinical Research Assistant
Phone: 514-890-8000 # 15912 Email: julie.lacaille.chum@ssss.gouv.qc.ca